Fr. Louis Rousseau OMI, a young Oblate priest from France, was appointed in 1896 to take charge of a small Catholic community in the gold mining town of Germiston on the East Rand.  Shortly after his appointment, he cycled from the Cathedral in Kerk street Johannesburg to celebrate the first Mass at a parishioner’s   home in Germiston.  Masses continued to be celebrated in homes until a wood and iron structure was erected, blessed and placed under the patronage of Saint Augustine.

 Fr. Rousseau’s successors were Fr. J.M. McCarthy from Wales, and Fr. J. O’Brien OMI who was noted for visiting his parishioners on horseback.  In 1905 the first Bishop, William Miller OMI was appointed in the Transvaal.   The church expanded rapidly and in 1909, the Newcastle Dominicans sisters opened a school in Germiston dedicated to St. Catherine of Siena which accommodated 300 pupils.

Fr. J O’Brien OMI was succeeded by Fr. J. Schang  OMI, who realized that the old church was totally inadequate for the growing community, and planned, struggled and finally succeeded in building a new church which  unfortunately was situated in the center  of the growing industrial town.   The foundation stone was blessed by Bishop Cox O.M.I. on 16 December 1923.  On his return from overseas at the end of 1924,  Fr. J. Schang  brought several beautiful statues and other interior decorations for the church. The Calvary scene in front of the present church building was erected in 1933.

Fr. Leo Muldoon OMI who resided at the Oblate Novitiate was in charge of the Mission at the Germiston Township, which became the center of development at Alberton and Natalspruit.   He established new missions and parishes, especially in Soweto.

 Fr. Schang OMI was succeeded by Fr. J. G. Braniff  OMI, who began negotiations  with the Germiston City Council to acquire a suitable site for the erection of a church in the growing Catholic  community of Germiston.  This resulted in a long drawn out battle with the City Council.  Fr. Daverin OMI  who succeeded Fr. Phil McCarthy OMI in 1948, persisted relentlessly in his renewed negotiations with the City Council until finally  the present church building  was completed and opened in 1956.

Fr. Daverin OMI was transferred to Rosebank in 1963 and was succeeded by Fr. John Fitzsimons OMI who consolidated his predecessors work until his own retirement in 1973


The Oblates continued to serve the community of St. Augustine’s until today.  The Priests that succeeded Fr. John Fitzsimons OMI & Fr. Brennan OMI are (starting from the bottom of the list):


Fr. Brian Connolly OMI and Fr. Ronald Houreld OMI

2009 – 2020

Fr. Brian Connolly OMI and Fr. Rodney George OMI

1998 – 2008

Fr. Jim Hyland OMI

1987 – 1998

Fr. John Boyce OMI

1982 – 1987

Fr. John de Nobrega OMI and Fr. Tom Barry OMI

1980 – 1981

Fr. R. Mountford OMI

1974 – 1980

Fr. Ignatius Fidgeon OMI and Fr. J. Mooney OMI 



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